Periodical: Cosmopolitan

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Revision #2: Why Buy the Cow When You Can Get the Milk for Free?

*Name has been changed to protect the identity of the person mentioned

As much as I hate to admit, my parents really were always right when it comes to relationship advice. And your parents were probably always right too. It saddens me that it takes everyone decades of their lives before they finally admit it and do listen to what their parents tell them. One thing my parents always told me was to take things slow when it comes to relationships and dating. Luckily that was one of the advices I actually listened to ever since I started dating and having relationships. However, it is unfortunate for my friend Marilyn* that she never took that same advice her parents probably told her when she started being involved in relationships.
Marilyn is a simple girl who is easy to please and wants nothing more complicated than to just have a boyfriend of her very own. She has kissed many frogs that claim to be princes and who, one after the other, continuously disappoints her. After observing her last “relationship,” it is finally plain and clear for me to see exactly why she is so unsuccessful at sustaining a relationship and keeping boyfriends. She is simply “giving it up” way too easily. Marilyn is by no means sexually promiscuous and does not just sleep with any guy she meets. However, she does become infatuated and smitten with them so much and so fast to the point where she will sleep with them by the second date. What is even more surprising is that behavior such as this is not abnormal among women in this generation. According to the American Sex Survey from approximately 30% of women have sex on the first date. Therefore, obviously there is nothing physically wrong with Marilyn for these kinds of behavior, but little does she know, giving it up so easily (even if she has feelings for those boys) does have an unwanted consequence. She thinks that giving these guys what they want will help keep them around, but her sleeping with them so soon is actually chasing them all away.
This is the real world, women have sexual power but they do not get the same set of standards when it comes to sexual behaviors as men do. When men sleep around, they are obviously considered “studs.” When women sleep around, guess what they’re called? As silly as it seems, to exercise the power women do have sexually over the opposite sex is to “take things slow.” As much as men want and will have sex easily, they seem to only want relationships with women who show respect for themselves. agrees and has even done a survey that concludes that most men who are looking for serious relationships and not a one night stand do value women who have sexual restraint. And how much respect does a girl seem to show for herself when she will pull down her skirt after only a couple of dates?
So Keep in mind that while it is no longer considered taboo to have sex before marriage or exercise sexual freedom with your significant other, there are negative consequences that come with impatience. For those having trouble with restraining themselves, remind yourself as I always do; good things come to those who wait. Consequently, thank you to all of our parents for learning from their mistakes and is kind enough to pass their advice on to us even if we neglect to listen to them at first. And thank you to all the Marilyns out there who emphasize this lesson for the rest of us.

I revised this blog by adding a very fitting picture to the topic so the readers can get a mental image which can enhance their reading experience. I also added a couple more links so others can be directed to pages related to the things I have mentioned. The bolded sentences have been added to add a little more cohesiveness to the writing. Also, I have taken the advice from my peer review and toned down the harshness with some positivity in those new sentences.

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